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Book & Art Submissions

The Madden Corporation's Island Heritage is one of the largest publishers in Hawai'i and is always looking for good writers and illustrators for Hawaiian adult and children's books. If you are interested in submitting your work, please see our basic guidelines below. We warmly welcome submissions from aspiring creatives who share our passion for celebrating Hawaiian culture and stories.

General Book Submission Guidelines

  • The book publishing schedule at Island Heritage is set at least one year in advance. We accept manuscripts throughout the year for children and adult books. Due to the large amount of entries, we ask that you please allow 8-12 weeks for a response.
  • Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with proper postage for each submission or your manuscript(s) will not be returned. Due to the volume of inquiries, we are unable to provide personal or phone interviews.
  • Although artwork is not required, sketches or photocopies, if available from you or your suggested artist, may accompany your submission.
  • Do not send your original manuscript, artwork or photography. Though great care is given to all submitted works, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting for any material submission, whether solicited or unsolicited.

Please address your submission to:

Island Heritage Publishing
Attn: Manuscript Editor
94-800 Ukee St., Suite 301,
Waipahu, HI 96797

If your manuscript is accepted, you will be responsible for providing us with the story on CD (Macintosh preferred). For your information, most of our books are published on a royalty basis.

Formatting Guidelines

Please use the following guide for all submissions, including picture books. Manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines may be returned unread at the discretion of the publisher.

At the top left of the first page: Your legal name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number

At the top right: Word count

Half-way down the page: TITLE IN CAPS

Begin story here. All stories should be double spaced, with minimum 1-inch margins at sides and top/bottom.

At the top left of each page, beginning with the second page:

Your last name/keyword from title/page #

Book Categories

Picture Books

Two sub-categories:
1. For ages 2-5: generally simple stories that run from 300 to 900 words.
2. For ages 4-8: may be more complex stories but still usually run only about 1,000 to 1,200 words.


  1. Unless your book is an alphabet, counting, or other nonfiction story, be sure it has a plot with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
  2. There must be some action to keep the child's attention. For example, child wants dog/child asks for dog/child gets dog is not a story. Child gets dog/dog eats Mom's prize petunias/child has to figure out how to get Mom to keep dog -- that's a story.
  3. Be sure the child is the one to solve the problem, and avoid preaching by the adult characters. Any moral lessons should be part of the plot and character.
  4. Avoid too many characters.
  5. Be sure there are enough scene changes to allow for varied illustrations. The most common format for picture books is 28 pages of text/pictures.

Easy-Reader/Chapter Books

For early elementary grades, these books have large type, short chapters and may include simple black-and-white illustrations. Typical length is 5,000 to 15,000 words


  1. The main character and a minimal number of secondary characters must be well developed.
  2. Writing and sentence structure should be simple, but not simple-minded.
  3. Stick to a single story line -- one that today's kids can relate to -- and get right into the action.
  4. As with picture books, stories need to be strong, with a beginning, middle, and end, the child (main character) must be the one to solve the problem, and avoid preachy adults.

Middle Grade Novels

For older elementary/middle school grades, typically 25,000 to 40,000 words.


  1. Characters must be well developed.
  2. The plot and characters can be more complex than in easy readers.
  3. Stick to the basics: get right into the action, create drama, be sure the main character solves the problem, avoid preaching and resolve all issues at the end.

Adult Book Submission

For categories of historical novels, how-to craft books, cookbooks, Hawaiian reference, and other books of local interest.

Island Heritage accepts submissions for Hawaiian-related books of various genres. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with the proper postage with your manuscript, including a proposal or cover letter specifying your qualifications on the subject, the target audience for the book, and other relevant articles.

For novels, please send a synopsis and the first 20 pages. You will be notified if the entire manuscript will be needed for further review.

All artwork submission and product ideas should be submitted

  • Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with proper postage for each submission or your manuscript(s) will not be returned. Due to the volume of inquiries, we are unable to provide personal or phone interviews.
  • Do not send your original product, artwork or photography. Though great care is given to all submitted works, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting for any material submission, whether solicited or unsolicited.
  • You are welcome to submit a non-disclosure for all submissions; however, this must be done in advance of receiving any samples or proposals.

Please address your submission to:

Island Heritage Publishing 
Attn: Creative Director
94-800 Ukee St., Suite 301,
Waipahu, HI 96797